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jarda: Prodám : plovák F2 SX 90 l, super stav, neopravov&aacut...
looser: malo jete, opravovana promacklina na dne (voda v nem nebyla), neprosla... Plachta Northsails 4,8m nejetá za 8600kč.Upřednostním ...
15.10. CLANEK:
Řecká Nissakia autem na pohodu
14.08. CLANEK:
Dánsko 2024 wing-windsurf-kite
14.08. VIDEO:
2010-08-26 15:27


Dear Surf Team,


opportunity to announce SHIMUNI EXTREME SPEED ONE HOUR SLALOM 2010 which will be held in period  17.09. – 19.09.2010 in camping Šimuni on island of Pag - Croatia.


Sailing club ADRIA SPORT is organizer of this windsurfing competition SHIMUNI EXTREME SPEED ONE HOUR SLALOM III.


This is the third Pag's competition. The goal was to make this competition traditional windsurfing competition and to confirm windsurfing as sport and new segment of touristic offer in which we succeed.


Last two competitions had the highest number of participants, highest award fond in Croatia , the competitions that had charity character and the competitions that finally positioned the island of Pag on the map of the top windsurfing destinations in Europe creating in that way the brand SURFBASE.


By organizing the competition in  2008. and 2009. Windsurfing competition was broadcast on local and national TV stations, printed brochures and newspaper, and all Croatian web portal as well as foreign web sites. The windsurfing competition in Simuni find its place on the best known windsurfing portal on (  and its mentioned in calendar of worlds windsurfing competitions which never happened in history of  windsurfing in Croatia.

Competition in 2008 was till then the best organized competition, the one with the most participants in Croatia, but in 2009 we have increased the number of participants. Now we have the project that will shadow the competitions before.


Regarding the complexity of one of the most spectacular events in adventurism in Croatia we urge the support in way that we could organize everything on the wonted level.

That means you have to arrive

 Thank you

 Best regards

Lana Božovič
Event manager


The race will NOT be held in accordance to ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing 2005 – 2008 (RRS),

IFCA,Class rules; Croatia Cup rules, but with Notice of Race and Sailing instructions. If there is

a conflict between above mentioned rules, Rules Sailing instructions and the Croatian language

will prevail.


The event is NOT part of the Croatian cup, Adria cup and Super cup.


The race is NOT classified as “C” category in accordance to ISAF Advertising code. All

competitors may not display stickers according to Organiser requirement. When registrating, all

competitors are not required to show their National Association's advertising Licence.


All competitors don’t have to comply to ISAF participation Codex and the evidence of such

compliance will not be requested when registrating.


Entries must be sent to Organisers by e-mail, not later than 15.09.2010.

Entries must be sent on the attached formular form and must be personally confirmed in Race

Office according to time specified in Race Program. Sailing instructions will be available in Race

Office during competitors registration. Race Office will be situated in front of the Old Ship in front

of the Windsurfing Base Shimuni.


Entry fee is 150 - kn (20 EUR).


Start of the first race is scheduled for 17.09.2010. at 6.00 PM. Initial briefing is scheduled for

11.09.2010. at 5.00 PM, what means we are expecting You around noon.


Racing field will be located in front of the Diamon Bay in front of the Mali Raj restaurant, Pearl

Bay like the year before, or somewhere else.


Alternative Scoring System will be applied according to the Organizer.


In case of lack of wind above 14 knots FUN RACE will be held in the same discipline, or in

some other discipline and all competitors will be rewarded if they finish a heat in a time limit of

one hour, and three first competitors will be rewarded with special rewards according to the



First 40 registered competitors have FREE ACCOMODATION IN THE LUXURY MOBILE

HOMES in the Camp.


Schedule can be changed by the Organizer.


Only one heat will be held. Competition is valid if the heat is completed.


Vložil: mravi


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